Friday 3 December 2010

Doubtful Sound

what  a fantastic trip; I run ourt of superlatives trying to describe it.
We arrived at lake Manapouri at lunchtime, and sailed across the lake to West Arm. then we got on a bus and dove up a steep pass. As we drove, the clouds lifted and we got views from above of Doubtful Sound before driving done to Deep Cove at the head of the Sound
We boarded the Navigator, which takes 70 people, and found our cabins on the first deck, with views out onto the water.
We sailed a little, then went into an arm of the Sound and did our "activities". John went kayaking and Susan and I went on one of the tenders with a nature specialist and learnt about the ancient native rain forest. Then we all went for a swim in the fiord; it was onnly afterwards the we realised it was over 400 metres deep!!!
the last event of the day was a trip up to tthe mouth of the fiord tosee a seal colony and some rare penguins. Then a hearty dinner and a night's sleep after anchoring in anther arm of the sound.
We woke at 6.30 and after a huge breakfast continued into the last arm of the sound , to experience "the sound of silence" - the engines and the generator were turned off and wee were asked to keep silence. No sounds but the Bellbird and the Wiki (not  Kiwi) and a waterfall. I've run out of worlds to describe the magnificence of the scenery, the aching beauty of the whole experience. The first verse of "How great thou art" kept coming to mind
Not an experience I am likely to forget.
We're at a lake -side resort with temps of 29degrees, but that can wait till tomorrow.
Good luck to BCS for the concert

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