Monday 29 November 2010

New Zealand is fabulous!!!

hello, everyone.
We've had a fantastic few days, with more to come.
After Christchurch, we drove to Lake Takapo, a fabulous turquoise lake, surrounded by lupins and mountains.
The next day, we drove to Queenstown, but took a detour to Mount Cook, the tallest mountain in Australasia. The sky was clear, the temperature about 24C and the mountains looked fabulous, with their caps of snow.
We're now at Queenstown, in a really lovely new hotel, with lakeside rooms giving stupendous views.
Last night we went across the lake on an old paddle steamer to have dinner at an old farm house followed by a demonstration of sheep-dog work and sheep shearing.
Today, we've been right up the valley, walking in ancient forest and coming back on a jet boat down the River Dart. We've been surrounded by mountains all day, and great scenery, some of which was in "Lord of the Rings". The Jet boat certainly got the adrenaline going, particularly the 360 degree turns, but was great fun.
We leave here quite early tomorrow; we've got to get to Milford Sound by lunchtime for our cruise.
Not sure when the next post will be; it depends on the internet in the hotels, which is different every night>

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